What's this website about?
This is a website focuing on the mountain peaks in China, especially for peaks with high altitude. Here you could find basic information of peaks(name, coordinates, elevation, etc.), its climbing history, related climbing accidents and so on. We also have a peak map to browse.
What's the purpose?
It's not easy to find relative accurate infomation of moutain peaks in China for mountain sports enthusiasts. Hope this website will help you!
Homepage |
This page. Most recent added content is listed. |
Peak Map |
Map for quickly locating a peak, with many map layers. |
Peak |
E.g. "Yaomei Feng", basic info, related climbing history, accidents, films, books, etc. |
Ascent |
E.g. "Yaomei Feng: The Free Spirits", with climbers, date, climbing grades and so on about this ascent. |
Accident |
E.g. "Yaomei Feng: 两人下撤途中遇难", lesson for climbers. |
Peak List |
E.g. "上海山峰列表", do you know there are some hills in Shanghai? |
Expediton |
E.g. "Minya-Konka-Expedition 1981", all ascents of this expedition is listed, with a map for all climbed peak. |
Search |
Search peaks and ascents listed on this site. |
Add |
After registering, you could contribute to this site by adding peak, adding peak list, adding expedition. You could also add ascents and accidents in peak page. |